This section is meant to be fun and useful information regarding your cigars. Some of it has been just my personal experience and the rest from my own review of the literature on the subject.
Today's Tip: How to correct that uneven burn.
This is one of those little hassles that is almost always due to poor construction. It isn't only unsightly, but can give your cigar the foul taste of one that is both burning too hot and one that has been re-lit at the same time. There are two possible solutions to this problem, both of which, I have to admit, I'm a little embarrassed to have to perform in public.
The first is the least unsightly but is the most violating to that now disfigured beauty you hold in your hand. Take your lighter, say a prayer and ignite! Torching the over-packed portion should correct the problem assuming you are fighting just one tight spot. The disadvantage here is that for the next few puffs you will be sucking smoke from tobacco that has released all of its tar and oils due to the extreme heat. This is equivalent to smoking a really dry cigar. Once you get it evened out, let it settle for a while and it shouldn't ruin your smoke.
The second option is...well, disgusting to see, but if your burn is uneven because of a soft spot (as opposed to a tight spot) then this is the best option. You'll know the difference because when it goes uneven you'll notice that one side will burn extremely fast - contrast that with one side seeming to go out while the other continues to burn normally (see option one to correct this problem). In this instance take your index finger, soak it with saliva and coat the fast burning edge. Saliva works best because of its consistency so it tends to stay where you put it and not run all over covering your whole cigar and defeating the purpose. It may take a couple of coats to slow that bad boy down but it'll be worth the scowls you get from across the table. Just make sure not to stick your finger into your glass of cognac and then touch it to the lit end of your stogie. 40% alcohol and fire only mix with a few desserts...and I think a drink from Russia! Applied correctly the other side will catch up and you'll be able to relax and enjoy the rest of your cigar without souring the flavor.
That's about it. Let me know if you have any applicable tips that I can add to my repertoire.